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Latest from the Blog

Easter Fun

I made my own hard boiled eggs and I haven’t done that in a while. I colored them which reminded me of being a kid again. I really have so many happy childhood memories. When I was ten, I got a water slide for my birthday. It was really fun and I had green checks…

Chestnut Kitten Is My New Buddy,

So now I have a little buddy named Chestnut kitten. She is about eight months old. I got her from the shelter and she walked right up to me. I just wonder how her life was before. I guess she must have realized I was looking for a pet. I saw they have about eighty-one…

Some Of My Teen Year Memories,

I remember when I was about sixteen and a half I learned how to drive. I was nervous but I learned to like it after I got my liscence. I was glad I could learn about it. I met my younger girl cousin Michelle when she was close to her eighteenth birthday I believe. She…

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